1-Week Pottery Retreat - June 9 - 15, 2024 with Lesley McInally - SOLD OUT
1-Week Pottery Retreat - June 9 - 15, 2024 with Lesley McInally - SOLD OUT
1-Week Pottery Retreat - June 9 - 15, 2024 with Lesley McInally - SOLD OUT
1-Week Pottery Retreat - June 9 - 15, 2024 with Lesley McInally - SOLD OUT
1-Week Pottery Retreat - June 9 - 15, 2024 with Lesley McInally - SOLD OUT
1-Week Pottery Retreat - June 9 - 15, 2024 with Lesley McInally - SOLD OUT
1-Week Pottery Retreat - June 9 - 15, 2024 with Lesley McInally - SOLD OUT
1-Week Pottery Retreat - June 9 - 15, 2024 with Lesley McInally - SOLD OUT

1-Week Pottery Retreat - June 9 - 15, 2024 with Lesley McInally - SOLD OUT

Full Retreat Description 

Cancellation Policy

Expression through Surface

Guided by the breathtaking beauty of Fogo Island and the encompassing Atlantic Ocean, Lesley McInally will lead participants on a journey through a diverse array of surface techniques and applications. With a strong emphasis on fostering experimentation and personal interpretation, students will be encouraged to focus on their individual interests, drawing inspiration from the islands unique environment, including geology, wildlife, flora, history, architecture, the sea and the sky.
The workshop will commence with an introduction to and practice of expressive mark-making techniques on paper and sketchbooks, helping students build confidence and generate creative ideas. Over the course of 5 days, Lesley will demonstrate numerous methods for achieving captivating surfaces on clay, incorporating slips, underglazes, chalks and mono print. Students will explore these techniques on small clay slabs, gradually developing a rich vocabulary of methods and artistic inspiration. Armed with these fresh and evocative ideas, participants will create a larger, more personal piece, weaving their own unique narratives and interests into their work.


Lesley McInally is an accomplished artist with a passion for clay. Hailing from Scotland, Lesley earned her Batchelor of Design Honours Degree in Ceramics and Printmaking at Duncan of Jordanstone, Dundee University. Her artistic journey began managing Pitlochry Pottery in the highlands of Scotland followed by creating ceramic props for the film industry and decorative ceramics for galleries throughout the UK.

In 2004, Lesley embarked on a new chapter by immigrating to Canada, where she established her studio practice in Cookstown, Ontario. Here, she delved deeper into her craft, honing her skills in unique stretched slab forms, paperclay techniques, hand building and captivating surface treatments. Leveraging her knowledge in printmaking, she infused her ideas onto clay creating highly tactile surfaces, using slips and underglazes.

Throughout her career, Lesley has been eager to share her artistic knowledge with others. She has taught her techniques at various ceramic educational institutions, leaving a lasting impact on aspiring artists. She finally embraced the digital world, taking her expertise to global audiences with online workshops. Lesley’s artistry had been duly recognized, as she has been the recipient of numerous prestigious awards and grants and continues to exhibit nationally and internationally.

Her distinctive approach to clay through printmaking has cemented her place in contemporary ceramics as the ‘Surface Queen’!
