Katrina Chaytor

Katrina Chaytor will be hosting workshops dated August 27–31, September 3-7
Growing up in Newfoundland, Katrina’s creativity was nurtured by her beloved grandmother, who sustained a livelihood making quilts and hand-hooked rugs. A later tour through Memorial University Extension Services (St. John’s), with her aunt who worked there, resulted in after-school pottery lessons. These early lessons ignited the commitment to a lifetime career in Ceramics.
Katrina has a BFA from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, an MFA from New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, Alfred, New York. She has been a ceramics instructor at various institutions the University of Manitoba (Winnipeg), Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (Halifax), Emily Carr Institute of Art + Design (Vancouver), Sheridan College (Ontario) and the Alberta College of Art + Design (Calgary).
She has done residencies in Mexico, Greece and China, the United States and research travel through Italy, France and England. She has returned home to St. John’s, NL and is establishing a studio. Katrinachaytor.com